15 times Adam Sackler stole the spotlight on Girls

February 03, 2016

Because of Star Wars and Adam Driver I recently decided to watch Girls. One of the main reasons I loved it was Adam Driver's amazing po...

Because of Star Wars and Adam Driver I recently decided to watch Girls. One of the main reasons I loved it was Adam Driver's amazing portrayal of Adam Sackler (although in my mind A. Driver and A. Sackler are the same person. And also a little bit of Kylo Ren). Anyway, here's the things I love most about him! And the scenes that I have rewatched a thousand times just because of his adorable acting.
*Keep in mind that this is an HBO show so some scenes are NSFW. Also, spoilers.*

Just look at this adorable weirdo. (source)

1. When he was playing it cool in front of Hannah.

2. When he was dancing. Every scene of him dancing.

3. When he and Hannah got together.

4. I loved him even when he said he doesn't like ice cream.

5. When he peed on Hannah in the shower and smiled like an innocent baby.

6. When Hannah broke his heart and he wrote her a song.

7. When Hannah had an OCD attack and he ran to her apartment, breaking down her front door.

8. When he was being a real master at crafting.

9. And he used his crafting skills to make a necklace for Hannah with his tooth.

10. When he revealed his yet unseen, vulnerable side.

11. When he crashed the car radio.

12. When he tried REALLY hard to make small talk.

13. When he got his dream job and tried to hide the excitement.

14. When his sister was giving birth and he fainted.

15. Honestly, he's amazing even in the deleted scenes.

If you love Adam Driver or Lena Dunham, I highly recommend this TV series!

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