There is always an adjusting period for how long it takes you to feel at home when you find yourself in a foreign city, country or continent...

I was born on a sunny (supposedly hot) summer day all those (22) years ago. I never knew what it was about my birthday that made me ...

Midterm exams have come and gone and after I was done with those I spent the next few weeks on short road trips around the country, craft...

Live simply, dream big. In these cold college-stressful days I often browse through my summer photos. Spain, to be more specific. We...

Hello wonderful people! If you usually enjoyed my skillfully crafted English-is-my-second-language sentences, you might have noticed I&...

ALSO: A CONCERT THAT TURNED INTO SO MUCH MORE. It's around 1 am and I'm working on an assignment with my roommate. We'...

DEAR COFFEE MACHINE! My love for coffee started a long time before I got you. It started when relatives would come visit u...