Yes Man! {The perks of being spontaneous}

August 17, 2016

Have you ever seen the movie Yes Man? Jim Carrey is a negative divorcee that goes to a motivational seminar where the leader makes him s...

Have you ever seen the movie Yes Man? Jim Carrey is a negative divorcee that goes to a motivational seminar where the leader makes him say yes to all kinds of adventures. I first saw this movie in 8th grade when I got my first computer and I learned how to watch movies there. I guess I loved it because the main character was forced to be spontaneous and I have loved spontaneity for as long as I can remember. I am the yes man. The yes woman? The yes galYeah, that sounds cool.
They say that the best of adventures happen when you're not planning them and looking back, I now know that's true. Most of good memories happen when you're not planning them (or at least not completely planning them). Basically, if you ask me if I want to do something, I'll be up for an adventure like 99% of the time, because if you never try anything different, how will you ever know what you like? When you're on your deathbed, you will definitely not say I wish I had worked more. I understand it's hard to keep the spontaneity (god, that's a terrible word) alive if you've got a bunch of kids and a job, but I thinks it's still great to do something spontaneous - last time using this word, I swear - as much as possible. There's a lot of perks to that:

Less stress.
The more you plan everything, the more stressed you get if the plans don't work out. But if you do just one little thing without planning, you'll realize not everything has to be scheduled.

Bonding with new people.
When you meet new people but aren't sure if you're compatible with them, a spontaneous adventure is the way to go. You get to know them in a different light and you bond with them. This is how I started hanging out with one of my new classmates (is it still okay to use this word in college?)

Becoming more adaptable.
With less planning for some things, you learn to adapt your life to any adventures that might come your way.

Becoming more creative.
Once you realize there's an adventure to be found in every single thing, you'll start thinking what else you could do to find and experience one. I think that's the reason I'm always thinking of new creative things to do (and why I'm mostly overwhelmed by my creativity).

So next time someone asks you if you want to do something, think about all the perks before you answer with a sounding no

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